پایان نامه رشته زبان انگلیسی:رابطه بین اضطراب، انگیزش زبان آموزی و مهارت بسندگی زبان در بین زبان آموزان ایرانی انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی |
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آموزی از مهارت بیشتری در زمینه زبان آموزان انگلیسی برخوردار هستند و بالعکس. علاوه بر این، نتایج نشان داد که بین انگیزش شرکت کنندگان و بسندگی زبان انگلیسی رابطه مثبت و معناداری وجود دارد. با این حال، تفاوت معنی داری بین سطح اضطراب زبان آموزان پسر و دختر وجود ندارد. به همین ترتیب، تفاوت معنی داری بین میزان انگیزشی زبان آموزان پسر و دختر در این مطالعه مشاهده نشد. در نهایت، مشاهده شد که تفاوت معنی داری بین زبان آموزان پسر و دختر از نظر اضطراب زبان آموزی، انگیزش یادگیری زبان انگلیسی و میزان مهارت های زبان انگلیسی وجود ندارد که این یافته بیانگر این است که جنسیت نقش تعیین کننده ای در این سه متغیر ایفا نمی کند.
واژه های کلیدی:اضطراب زبان آموزی، انگیزش زبان آموزی، بسندگی زبان، زبان آموزان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction. I
1.0 Introduction. 2
1.1 Background. 2
1.2 Statement of the Problem.. 6
1.3 Research Objectives. 7
1.4 Significance of the Study. 7
1.5Research Questions. 8
1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms. 9
Chapter Two: Review of Literature. Error! Bookmark not defined.11
2.0 Introduction. 12
2.1 Theoretical Framework. 12
2.1.1 Anxiety by Definition. 12 Types of Anxiety. 13 Sources of Language Learning Anxiety. 18 Language Learning Anxiety and Gender 20
2.1.2 Motivation by Definition. 22 Types of Motivation. 24 Intrinsic Motivation. 25 Extrinsic Motivation. 26 Motivation and Language Learning. 26
آموزی از مهارت بیشتری در زمینه زبان آموزان انگلیسی برخوردار هستند و بالعکس. علاوه بر این، نتایج نشان داد که بین انگیزش شرکت کنندگان و بسندگی زبان انگلیسی رابطه مثبت و معناداری وجود دارد. با این حال، تفاوت معنی داری بین سطح اضطراب زبان آموزان پسر و دختر وجود ندارد. به همین ترتیب، تفاوت معنی داری بین میزان انگیزشی زبان آموزان پسر و دختر در این مطالعه مشاهده نشد. در نهایت، مشاهده شد که تفاوت معنی داری بین زبان آموزان پسر و دختر از نظر اضطراب زبان آموزی، انگیزش یادگیری زبان انگلیسی و میزان مهارت های زبان انگلیسی وجود ندارد که این یافته بیانگر این است که جنسیت نقش تعیین کننده ای در این سه متغیر ایفا نمی کند.
واژه های کلیدی:اضطراب زبان آموزی، انگیزش زبان آموزی، بسندگی زبان، زبان آموزان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction. I
1.0 Introduction. 2
1.1 Background. 2
1.2 Statement of the Problem.. 6
1.3 Research Objectives. 7
1.4 Significance of the Study. 7
1.5Research Questions. 8
1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms. 9
Chapter Two: Review of Literature. Error! Bookmark not defined.11
2.0 Introduction. 12
2.1 Theoretical Framework. 12
2.1.1 Anxiety by Definition. 12 Types of Anxiety. 13 Sources of Language Learning Anxiety. 18 Language Learning Anxiety and Gender 20
2.1.2 Motivation by Definition. 22 Types of Motivation. 24 Intrinsic Motivation. 25 Extrinsic Motivation. 26 Motivation and Language Learning. 26
2.1.3 Language Proficiency. 29
2.2. Empirical Studies Done in the Field. 30
2.2.1 Anxiety and Language Learning. 30
2.2.2 Motivation and Language Learning. 39
2.2.3 Anxiety and Foreign Language Motivation. 42
2.3 Final Remarks on Literature. 44
ChapterThree:Methodology. 47
3.0 Introduction. 48
3.1 Participants. 48
3.2 Instruments. 49
3.3 Data Collection Procedures. 51
3.4 Data Analysis Procedures. 53
3.5 Design of the Study. 54
ChapterFour:ResultsandDiscussion. Error! Bookmark not defined.55
4.0 Introduction. 56
4.1 Results of the Study. 56
4.1.1 Participants’ Anxiety Level in Language Classrooms. 56
4.1.2 Relationship between the Participants’ Level of Anxiety and Motivation 60 Participants’ Scores on Motivation Questionnaire. 60
4.1.3 Relationship between the participants’ language proficiency, level of anxiety, and motivation. 62 Participants’ Performance in the Proficiency Test 63 Relationship Between the Participants’ Language Proficiency & Their Level of Anxiety. 65 Relationship Between the Participants’ Language Proficiency & their motivation. 67
4.1.4 Gender Differences Concerning Anxiety, Motivation, and Language Proficiency Level of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners. 70 Relationship between Male and Female Participants’ Language Learning Anxiety and their Motivation, and English Proficiency. 75
4.2 Discussion of Findings. 78
Chapter Five: 56Summary, Conclusion, and Pedagogical Implications 82
5.0 Introduction. 83
5.1 Summary. 83
5.2 Conclusion. 85
5.3 Pedagogical Implications. 88
5.5 Limitations of the Study. 89
References. 91
Appendices. 100
Appendix I: Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale. 101
Appendix II: Attitude/Motivation Test Battery. 103
Appendix III:English Language Proficiency Test 106
List of Tables
4.1 Participants’ Demographic Statistics. 56
4.2 Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Level of Anxiety. 57
4.3 Anxiety Groups. 57
4.4 Participants’ Distribution in Anxiety Groups. 58
4.5 ANOVA Results for Group Differences. 59
4.6 Descriptive Statistics for Participants’ Motivation. 60
4.7 Participants’ Motivation in the Anxiety Groups. 61
4.8 Correlation between Language Learning Anxiety and Motivation. 61
4.9 Descriptive Statistics for the Participants’ Scores in the proficiency test 61
4.10 Male and Female Participants’ Scores in the Proficiency Test 61
4.11 Results of Independent Samples t-test for Male and Female Performance in the Proficiency Test 64
4.12 Participants’ English Proficiency in the Anxiety Groups. 65
4.13 Correlation Between Language Learning Anxiety and English Proficiency. 65
4.14 Motivation Groups. 67
4.15 Participants’ Distribution in Motivational Groups. 67
4.16 Participants’ English Proficiency in the Motivational Groups. 68
4.17 Correlation Between Motivation and English Proficiency. 69
4.18 Males’ and Females’ Level of Anxiety. 70
4.19 Independent Samples t-test for Differences in Males and Females’ Level of Anxiety. 71
4.20 Distribution of Males and Females in Anxiety Groups. 71
4.21 Males’ and Females’ Motivation. 72
4.22 Independent Samples t-test for Differences in Males and Females’ Level of Motivation. 73
4.23 Distribution of Males and Females in Motivational Groups. 73
4.24 Correlation Between Males’ Anxiety, Motivation, and English Proficiency 75
4.25 Correlation Between Females’ Anxiety, Motivation, and English proficiency. 76
The present study was an attempt to investigate the degree of anxiety among Iranian intermediate EFL learners and its relation to their motivation. It also explored whether there was any significant relationship between anxiety, motivation and language proficiency for Iranian EFL learners. To this end, a total number of 80 EFL learners (35 males and 45 females) were selected through cluster random sampling from two language classes at Islamic Azad University, Sardasht Branch, Hormozgan Province, Iran as the participants in this study. The instruments used to collect the data from the participants were the Foreign Language Learning Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), Gardner’s (1985) Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) used to measure the participants’ motivation to learn English, and a modified version of a paper-based TOEFL test that was used to measure the participants’ level of English proficiency. The results indicated that the majority of the participants experienced a mid to high level of language learning anxiety. Besides, it was found that the participants with lower levels of the language learning anxiety were more motivated to learn English while those with higher levels of the language learning anxiety were less motivated to learn English. On the other hand, it was noted that the participants with lower levels of the language learning anxiety were more proficient English learners and vice versa. In addition, there was a positive significant relationship between the participants’ motivation and their English proficiency. However, there was no significant difference between the anxiety level of male and female participants. Similarly, there was no significant difference between the motivation level of male and female participants in this study. Finally, the findings indicated that there was no significant difference between the male and female participants concerning their language learning anxiety, motivation to learn English, and their English proficiency, indicating that gender did not play a determining role in these three variables.
Keywords: Language learning anxiety, Language learning motivation, Language proficiency,
EFL Learners
2.1.3 Language Proficiency. 29
2.2. Empirical Studies Done in the Field. 30
2.2.1 Anxiety and Language Learning. 30
2.2.2 Motivation and Language Learning. 39
2.2.3 Anxiety and Foreign Language Motivation. 42
2.3 Final Remarks on Literature. 44
ChapterThree:Methodology. 47
3.0 Introduction. 48
3.1 Participants. 48
3.2 Instruments. 49
3.3 Data Collection Procedures. 51
3.4 Data Analysis Procedures. 53
3.5 Design of the Study. 54
ChapterFour:ResultsandDiscussion. Error! Bookmark not defined.55
4.0 Introduction. 56
4.1 Results of the Study. 56
4.1.1 Participants’ Anxiety Level in Language Classrooms. 56
4.1.2 Relationship between the Participants’ Level of Anxiety and Motivation 60 Participants’ Scores on Motivation Questionnaire. 60
4.1.3 Relationship between the participants’ language proficiency, level of anxiety, and motivation. 62 Participants’ Performance in the Proficiency Test 63 Relationship Between the Participants’ Language Proficiency & Their Level of Anxiety. 65 Relationship Between the Participants’ Language Proficiency & their motivation. 67
4.1.4 Gender Differences Concerning Anxiety, Motivation, and Language Proficiency Level of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners. 70 Relationship between Male and Female Participants’ Language Learning Anxiety and their Motivation, and English Proficiency. 75
4.2 Discussion of Findings. 78
این مطلب را هم بخوانید :
Chapter Five: 56Summary, Conclusion, and Pedagogical Implications 82
5.0 Introduction. 83
5.1 Summary. 83
5.2 Conclusion. 85
5.3 Pedagogical Implications. 88
5.5 Limitations of the Study. 89
References. 91
Appendices. 100
Appendix I: Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale. 101
Appendix II: Attitude/Motivation Test Battery. 103
Appendix III:English Language Proficiency Test 106
List of Tables
4.1 Participants’ Demographic Statistics. 56
4.2 Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Level of Anxiety. 57
4.3 Anxiety Groups. 57
4.4 Participants’ Distribution in Anxiety Groups. 58
4.5 ANOVA Results for Group Differences. 59
4.6 Descriptive Statistics for Participants’ Motivation. 60
4.7 Participants’ Motivation in the Anxiety Groups. 61
4.8 Correlation between Language Learning Anxiety and Motivation. 61
4.9 Descriptive Statistics for the Participants’ Scores in the proficiency test 61
4.10 Male and Female Participants’ Scores in the Proficiency Test 61
4.11 Results of Independent Samples t-test for Male and Female Performance in the Proficiency Test 64
4.12 Participants’ English Proficiency in the Anxiety Groups. 65
4.13 Correlation Between Language Learning Anxiety and English Proficiency. 65
4.14 Motivation Groups. 67
4.15 Participants’ Distribution in Motivational Groups. 67
4.16 Participants’ English Proficiency in the Motivational Groups. 68
4.17 Correlation Between Motivation and English Proficiency. 69
4.18 Males’ and Females’ Level of Anxiety. 70
4.19 Independent Samples t-test for Differences in Males and Females’ Level of Anxiety. 71
4.20 Distribution of Males and Females in Anxiety Groups. 71
4.21 Males’ and Females’ Motivation. 72
4.22 Independent Samples t-test for Differences in Males and Females’ Level of Motivation. 73
4.23 Distribution of Males and Females in Motivational Groups. 73
4.24 Correlation Between Males’ Anxiety, Motivation, and English Proficiency 75
4.25 Correlation Between Females’ Anxiety, Motivation, and English proficiency. 76
The present study was an attempt to investigate the degree of anxiety among Iranian intermediate EFL learners and its relation to their motivation. It also explored whether there was any significant relationship between anxiety, motivation and language proficiency for Iranian EFL learners. To this end, a total number of 80 EFL learners (35 males and 45 females) were selected through cluster random sampling from two language classes at Islamic Azad University, Sardasht Branch, Hormozgan Province, Iran as the participants in this study. The instruments used to collect the data from the participants were the Foreign Language Learning Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), Gardner’s (1985) Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) used to measure the participants’ motivation to learn English, and a modified version of a paper-based TOEFL test that was used to measure the participants’ level of English proficiency. The results indicated that the majority of the participants experienced a mid to high level of language learning anxiety. Besides, it was found that the participants with lower levels of the language learning anxiety were more motivated to learn English while those with higher levels of the language learning anxiety were less motivated to learn English. On the other hand, it was noted that the participants with lower levels of the language learning anxiety were more proficient English learners and vice versa. In addition, there was a positive significant relationship between the participants’ motivation and their English proficiency. However, there was no significant difference between the anxiety level of male and female participants. Similarly, there was no significant difference between the motivation level of male and female participants in this study. Finally, the findings indicated that there was no significant difference between the male and female participants concerning their language learning anxiety, motivation to learn English, and their English proficiency, indicating that gender did not play a determining role in these three variables.
Keywords: Language learning anxiety, Language learning motivation, Language proficiency,
EFL Learners
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[سه شنبه 1399-07-01] [ 11:15:00 ق.ظ ]